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- Consumption Facts
- Growing Facts
- Miscellaneous
- Coffee Glossary
Every bean of every single cup of coffee that you drink has originated from the coffee tree. As a result of this, the coffee growing industry is absolutely massive througout the world. Some of the statistics regarding this are quite staggering - we've attempted to consolidate the most interesting ones here.
- Among all of the major agricultural products of the world, coffee harvesting remains virtually untouched by mechanisation.
- The Americas produce approximately 2/3 of the world's coffee supply.
- The two main suppliers of coffee in the world are Brazil and Colombia, with Brazil contributing around 30% of the total.
- Over five million people are employed in Brazil by the coffee trade. Most of those are involved with the cultivation and harvesting of over 3 billion coffee plants.
- The best soil for growing coffee consists of leaf mould, other organic matter and disintegrated volcanic rock!
- The coffee tree produces its first full crop when it is about five years old. Thereafter it produces consistently for 15 to 20 years.
- There are three main commercial types of coffee bean from amongst many these are Arabica, Robusta and Liberia.
- Robusta and Liberian coffee grows best at lower altitudes whereas Arabica is better suited to higher altitudes.
- Coffee berries do not ripen uniformly. The same branch may display ripe red berries, unripe green berries and overripe black berries. Conscientious growers select only the ripe berries.
- To make a roasted pound of coffee it takes around 2,000 hand-picked Arabica coffee cherries. With 2 beans per cherry - this means around 4,000 beans are in a single pound of coffee.
- A mature coffee tree will produce one pound of coffee per growing season.
- German immigrants in Guatemala developed a cultivation process to use in extreme weather conditions. They burn rubbish near the plantations in severe weather and the dense smoke protects the trees from frost and produces a smoky flavour in the beans.
- Hawaii is the only state of the United States in which coffee is commercially grown.
- Hawaii features an annual Kona Festival - a coffee picking contest. Each year the winner becomes a state celebrity
The Roast & Post Coffee Co. ®
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