Order by 10:00am and your coffee will be roasted today for delivery on Thursday *
2 tbsp coffee essence or 1 tbsp instant coffee powder | zest and juice of 1 orange |
2 drops vanilla essence | 100g (4oz) Arborio rice |
600ml (1 pint) milk | 100g (4oz) sugar |
25g (1oz) butter | 175ml (6fl oz) whipping cream |
2 tbsp rum (optional) |
Place the coffee and orange juice in a saucepan with 150ml (¼ pint) of water and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, add the rice and leave to soak for 5 minutes. Return the pan to the heat and add the milk and vanilla essence. Cook over a low heat until the rice is tender, but still slightly firm to the bite.
Remove from the heat, add the sugar, orange zest, butter, cream and rum. Stir gently and serve at once.
The Roast & Post Coffee Co. ®
Registered Office
7 Regent Street
BS15 8JX
t. 01803 605993
e. sales@roastandpost.com
Registered in England No. 4387161.
Registered Office As Above
VAT Reg. No: GB 791 3864 93
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