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Colombian Uva Honey Finca El Sauce Narino - NEW

Before the season starts Hilda and Alvaro give some advice to their pickers "Not all red is the same, not all red means ripe". They are referring to the ripeness of the cherry. This organic honey nano-lot is called Uva because only the ripest of cherries are used. They are not bright red, but of a deep dark red wine colour - this is when when the level of sweetness is very high. 

Finca El Sauce is owned by Hilda Mejra and Alvaro Ramirez,  a husband and wife team who bought La Finca El Sauce in 2003. Being a coffee grower was Alvaro's childhood dream, and unlike his wife he did not come from a farming family. He combined his savings with Hilda's, a systems engineer, and in 2003 Finca El Sauce was theirs. Although coffee was always Alvaro's dream Finca El Sauce's most profitable products are actually eggs ! The farm has over 8,000 chickens and stocks two local markets. "Unlike coffee you can sell eggs all year round. It's less risky and gives us liquidity. Plus we have all the manure we need to fertilise the coffee plants" Alvaro explains. Chicken manure is one of the main fertilisers used by organic coffee farmers in Santander. In El Sauce, the droppings are mixed with coffee skins and spread around the farm. According to Alvaro soil in the area tends to be acid and it helps balance the PH.  Other than fertilising and strategic pruning, there is little interference with the trees on the farm. The couple believes in "letting nature do its thing" and says altitude is better than any pesticide. Located at 1850m above sea level and with temperatures between 20C and 25C, they can rely on nature's best barrier against pests and diseases.

This organic honey nano-lot is called Uva because only the ripest cherries are picked when they are a deep dark red wine colour (Uva means grape) when the sweetness of the cherry is very high.   "As we don't have a big tank on the farm to help remove the floaters, we use a small container. We always have two members of staff manually cleaning the coffee from green or overripe beans, a process that is time consuming but very precise. Each lot is made of several batches of ripe 'uvas' and each batch is the result of no more than two days' pickings. As the de-pulping process always happens around 5pm we leave the coffee fermenting in mucilage inside a tank until the next day at 7am. In the morning, we lay the beans thinly on modules lined with a mesh fabric. These modules are mobile, so we can either put them inside marquesinas or expose them to the sun to dry. If the weather is good this lot takes 5 days to dry under the sun".

This delicious coffee has a surprising taste that combines spice along with the slight fruity sweetness from being 'honey processed' , and makes for a very successful honey processed coffee. An amazing and interesting cup profile of Spice, Cranberry, Stone fruit, Coconut and Toffee.

Medium - Dark roasted, this coffee can be brewed as a Filter or Cafetiere coffee, or brewed through a Bean-to-Cup machine or as an Espresso.

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